Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Prom Dress


This last year I made this prom/ballroom dress. It was tons of fun, lots of work, and a very good learning experience! It didn't exactly turn out how I had pictured it in my mind, but that's what comes of experimenting, and making up my own pattern!
So, yup. Here it is, what do you think? It really look a lot better in real life, the pictures don't quite capture what it actually looks and feels like, but you get the general idea :)

Oh, and here's my very first design, when I was coming up with the pattern ;)


  1. Wow!! It's gorgeous!! You too!!

  2. amazing! i would totally buy it from you -- maybe you could make it a business?

  3. Thanks Marcia :)

    Jessica: Yeah, that's actually what I'm looking into to doing right now. I love designing and sewing so I really want to get my own business started, and I'm working on it :)
